Our Relationship with Technology- Technology’s Relationship with us

Technology is an ever changing space for us to find really whatever we need. Whether that be news, opinions, or keeping in touch with our friends and family. We can use this is a positive light for businesses or personal matters. When it comes to technology I use it quite often. Each morning my phone gives me an update on breaking news, my schedule, notifications I have missed and the weather for the day. By doing this I take one quick glance at my phone and know what the day is looking like. I spend a good amount of time on technology throughout the day because everything has been transferred over to technology. Even school work is now all technology based. I probably spend an average of 7 hours a day on technology. I wish I was able to spend a little less time but everything has been transferred. With a loss of technology I would not be able to do much that I have to get done. According to elite content marketer Americans spend an average amount of approximately 4 hours on mobile devices and 3 and a half hours on TV a day. I think that the way you use technology really effects on what you get out of it. For example, if you are sitting on technology all day watching TV shows you are not getting much out of it. I like to watch the news and do my homework on technology so I feel that I get a good amount out of my use. Technology does make me smarter in this instance because I am educating myself.  I also own a small

business that I run completely online so that is definitely helping. I do feel that technology has been getting a little too much and is being used too much. I worry that within this generation and the generation below me it is going to get worse and have worse effects. 

My friends and family probably spend about the same amount of time on technology as I do. I think for the most part technology has been positive for them as well. My mom works online so she spends a lot of her time on technology and without that she would loose a lot of freedom because she would have to be traveling back and forth to her office. But, I do see a decline in mental health throughout my generation

because of the technology takeover within the past decade. Technology plays a big role in my relationships especially with my friends from school. I am able to keep in contact with my friends that live all across the country because of the technology that we use. 

My online footprint is pretty decent. I have a few social media accounts that people can find by looking up my name but these are private accounts. If I was applying for a job and someone were to look me up they would find my small business, my instagram and other platforms. I have done a pretty good job of staying on top of my online footprint to keep it very private and professional.



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