The Mainstream Media is killing America. There, I said it!

From my own point of view I feel like the more that people follow the news and current events, the more they fall deeper into the trap that is set by major media companies. People tend to forget the first rule of running a business: Turn a Profit. With that said, CNN’s and Fox News’ main jobs are to make money and that only happens if you click on their links. These 2 media monsters are the heart and center of everything solely because they are massive and everyone I have ever met sources their news from either Fox or CNN.

Clickbait is a key tactic in todays media sources. Authors title their articles with outrageous things just to grab the viewers attention. Most often these clickbait titles are quotes that were taken out of context or thumbnail pictures taken at the perfect time. This creates the situation that a lot of people find themselves in today. They’re only looking for the “loudest” headline, the one that grabbed their attention immediately. I, myself, am very guilty of this.

There is also a huge circle of mistrust today with the impression of social media. Everything is take out of context, or a video is edited to perfection.  The hardest part of dealing with news sources is trying to decipher what is real truth and what is fake news.

-Nick Letts


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