The Supreme Court

When it comes to the government I know little more than the 3 branches, and what their baseline purpose is. The Supreme Court has 9 life-appointed Justices that have the power to check and deny both the President and Congress, as well as being the “end-all, be-all” of the Justice System. That’s about it.

In reading the Supreme Court Article, I learned a lot of small new things like the original number of justices was 6, to the first case being about a farmer owing money to a family. To many big points and cases that were seen by the SCOTUS  from, Mapp v. Ohio; illegally obtained evidence cannot be used in criminal cases, to many infringements on the 1st Amendment. I think that the most important thing I learned about the Supreme Court is that many laws in our country and rules in the justice system have come to be because someone, in the past had tried to do that action. Before reading this article I was not impressed, had previously thought that the 9 Justices only go to war with Congress and the President, denying them the ability to place boring taxes on the American People. However its very surprising to understand that many of the seemingly “undeniable rights” we have, or think we have, come because someone had to fight for our protection from our very own government, in the Supreme Court.

-Nick Letts


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