Tiktok — Diffusion Theory

 Something that came to mind when thinking about Diffusion Theory was the app Tik tok. Tik Tok is a new form of social media and has quickly become the most popular. In September 2016 Tik Tok was introduced. In the beginning, not many people had it. When it comes to social media apps at first people are usually just testing it out while some think it’s just going to be a quick fad and dont even download it. That is what happened with tin Tok for a few months- a year. The early adopters were mostly high school aged kids who loved the dances on Tik Tok. Thats all it was, just dances. The late adopters have joined  when Tik Tok has become so much more. For example, now News channels are on the app. Almost everyone you ask now between the ages of 14-60 has heard of the app and most even have an account. But the people that are not adopters probably do not have any social media because it has become one of the most popular with all age groups. 

I do see negative consequences in technology. This is not only a huge distraction to children during school and adults during work. But this app is exposing kids to so much at such a young age. It is hard for parents to keep track of what is on their kids tik tok because of the “For You” page where a bunch of random videos are generated for you to watch. It does not matter whether you follow these accounts or not. Another problem with social media is the consequences it has on people mental health. When you are constantly comparing yourself to others on social media and worried about what others look like, the amount of likes you get, whether you go viral, it can be exhausted. By staying off of social media you cut yourself out of all of that negative energy. While there are many negative consequences, there are also a lot of positive. I think whether or not they outweigh the negative is up to each individual person. I think it depends on your job, age, and values on whether or not you would want to be on Tik tok or not. I don’t know how I would go about Weighing the cost benefit analysis with Tik Tok because it is a free app. There are opportunities for businesses to buy ads on tik tok. 

-Nick Letts




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